Frida egg cosy


Are you preparing for Easter? I made some Frida inspired egg cozies to decorate the table!

You can find the FREE pattern here:

I would love to see your egg cosy on Instagram and Facebook: @essiebirdies #essiebirdiespattern. I will show your creation in my Insta stories! Happy weekend!

Zijn jullie al leuke decoraties voor Pasen aan het maken? Ik maakte eierwarmers geïnspireerd op Frida! Wil je er ook een maken? je vind het engelstalige patroon hier:

Wil je liever een Nederlands talig patroon, klik dan hier: als je naar beneden scrollt in de gratis patronen vind je een Frida kerst hanger patroon dat je ook kunt gebruiken voor deze eierwarmer.

4 thoughts on “Frida egg cosy

  1. Dear Esther, I received your package Thursday. I’ve been waiting for one of my kids to show up and take pictures of me with everything. That hook!!!  How many did you make? That is just gorgeous and I can’t imagine painting tons of them. How thoughtful you are!.  Thank you for the card and sweet words. I put it on my board so I see it everytime I start to work!!! There were so many goodies, the stitch marker is great, BUT my little wooden shoes I adore.They are with me while I work too. I thank you so much for everything. It was so much fun getting a package from the other side of the world and think, Hey, I know her!!! Have a wonderful day and many thanks again. Much love, Sharon


    1. Dear Sharon, thank you so much for your message! I am very happy you received the crochet hook. I painted a lot of hooks and I still am painting more! I love doing it because it’s just a little thing I can do for the people suffering from the terrible war. I wish I could do more to help them. I hoped you would love the wooden shoes, as it’s typical Dutch! I am thankful to have a friend like you on the other side of the world! Love, Esther xx


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